Evans, Dalrymple, Ramirez Join Central Piedmont Board

Central Piedmont Community College announces a recent appointment and two re-appointments to its Board of Trustees.

Michael D. Evans of Charlotte has been appointed to the Central Piedmont board by the Mecklenburg Board of County Commissioners to a four-year term that began July 1. Evans is a retired university business professor and department chair, serving both Winthrop and Johnson C. Smith. He also taught at UNC Charlotte. In addition, he was a founding director and board member of Park Sterling Bank.

Evans earned bachelor's and master's degrees in business administration at Bradley University. He is also a certified financial planner. He currently serves as a board member and treasurer of the Charlotte Regional Visitor's Authority. He is a former president of the Financial Planning Association of Charlotte and Leadership Charlotte.

"We are pleased to have Michael Evans join Central Piedmont's Board of Trustees," said Dr. Kandi Deitemeyer, college president. "He brings a unique blend of higher education, business and community service experience to the board. His insights will be welcomed as the college moves forward with its new strategic plan."

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper re-appointed Edwin A. Dalrymple to another four-year term as a college trustee. He first joined the Central Piedmont board in 2008. He has chaired the board since 2014. He also has assumed national-level community college leadership. In 2018, he became a member of the Association of Community College Trustees Board of Directors, based in Washington, D.C. Professionally, Dalrymple is a managing director-investments of Wells Fargo Advisors. He has worked in the investment and financial services industry for more than three decades.

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools Board of Education re-appointed Cecilia A. Ramirez to a second four-year term on the college board. She first became a Central Piedmont trustee in 2015. Ramirez is retired from Nova Digital Systems Inc., where she served as vice president of administration. From 1980 to 1996, she taught Spanish and led ESL programs at a number of CMS elementary and high schools. She previously chaired the N.C. Governor's Advisory Council on Hispanic/Latino Affairs and served on the Governor's Hispanic Advisory Council Education Committee.

"The college is grateful for the re-appointments of Ed Dalrymple and Cecilia Ramirez," Deitemeyer said. "They have served with great distinction and engagement. Their continued counsel will be appreciated as the college works to create pathways to economic mobility all of our students can navigate with greater equity and success."

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Posted in Announcements, Community, Foundation News. Tagged as central piedmont, leadership, trustees.

Central Piedmont reveals new branding

What began 15 months ago with the start of a branding and marketing study -- and journeyed through the opinions and ideas of more than 3,000 existing and prospective students, parents, faculty and staff, and community members -- culminated today in a college-wide celebration, on all six campuses, as Central Piedmont Community College launched its new branding, which includes new college colors, logo, and website.

"We hope this brand transformation will excite all of those in our Central Piedmont family, energizing and propelling them forward to do the passionate work needed to help our students not just wonder, 'what if,' but set an academic goal and achieve or surpass it," said Central Piedmont President Dr. Kandi Deitemeyer. "Central Piedmont calls on all its employees, students, board members, and community supporters to now be brand ambassadors, helping to tell the college's story to the community."

The college's "brand" is the emotional and psychological connection people have with Central Piedmont; its personality. The college's logo, website, marketing materials, faculty, staff, and students all are important parts of its brand.

The brand study results also emphasized the need for Central Piedmont to elevate its visual standing in the marketplace to match the caliber of education and services it provides. The "Central Piedmont green" has been replaced with a new color scheme: gold and gray. The old "green box" logo is gone and replaced with a cleaner, more collegiate and modern design. During the logo-design process, multiple students groups expressed their desire for a logo that stands well with the corporate and other institutional marks in Charlotte and conveys the seriousness in which Central Piedmont students approach their programs of study and pursue life-changing credentials.

As the final piece of the branding/marketing process, the college has launched a totally new website to focus more on its visitors, mainly future Central Piedmont students and their families, inviting them to easily explore and connect with the college.

The college partnered with Pittsburgh-based Barkley REI to create the new website at cpcc.edu. More than putting a new face put on the old website, Central Piedmont teams plowed through the nearly 30,000 pages of content on the old website to create a thoroughly modern, audience-focused way to present the information site visitors need to know. The look and feel, functionality and voice of the new website were created with intense input from hundreds of faculty, staff, students (prospective and current) and community members.

At a celebration event today on Central Campus that was streamed live to all campuses, the college revealed the new branding including the new logo, college colors, initial advertising campaign concept, and redesigned website and also had "reveal" parties for students at every campus.

To see the new brand and website, please visit cpcc.edu. ... Read more

Posted in Alumni, Announcements, Campus, Community, Events, Foundation News. Tagged as central piedmont.